One project I'm eager to finish now is this baby blanket. This was started at Camp Cockamamie and was worked on by many knitters there. I first showed a photo of it here. I've switched to garter stitch for the last few inches and this means there's a lot of purling involved. I'm ready for it to be done! This blanket was always meant to be donated to Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland and our next trip there is in a couple of weeks, so I'm really cranking away at it. It uses 4 skeins of Socks that Rock heavyweight. The interior rectangles were obviously knit of other colorways, but you get the idea. It has 4 needles in it to go with each skein you see there. Lately, I've been doing the knitting on my own because I haven't gotten together with enough knitters to do 4 at once.
Once that is done, I've got three other large knitting projects to focus on- the ripple blanket (oops, that's crochet), a Manos blanket and Rogue, of course. Then I have a bunch of smaller projects like socks and scarves. I've got plans for several knitted pillows and also have Argosy in the background. I won't even go into the quilting projects. I am letting my fingers rest from the hand quilting this week. Thanks for the comments and concern about that. As it turns out the numb fingertips are more annoying than anything. I'm very much hoping it resolves over time.
Meanwhile, the first Jaywalker sock is coming along. The Mega Boots Stretch sock yarn is working out great with this pattern.
I really hope to get some sewing done this weekend. I have my next chemo on Tuesday and I've learned that there will be several days when my hands are uncomfortable. They get a little swollen, the skin becomes flaky and the tips ache a little more. It's not the best time for hand quilting, so maybe I'll do some of that before Tuesday too. I have been holding out on you in the quilt department with something that has been in the works for nearly 5 years! Now, don't get all excited. It's not an heirloom, or a Dear Jane quilt. However, I do love it and really want to see it finished for this winter. More to come on that in the near future.
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