Well, I managed to make good on my promise to Rogue and I think she's digging it! I finished the back and am working on patterning around the neck. One thing I didn't mention is that, while I do love this yarn, the color (Enamel) is quite a bit darker than I had planned on. For me it's like knitting black yarn and it really requires good light. It's a good bit darker than it shows in the photo.
However, I managed to work on it while hubby watched the Red Sox last night. Now I understand why Stitch n' Pitch games would be popular. You can really get a lot done during a baseball game. Last night's game really was more exciting than almost any baseball game I've ever watched (not very many, mind you) so I got into it by the end. Now, you may ask, why would we be interested in the Red Sox and the reason is, both my hubby and I grew up in MA and his whole family is still there. It's a point of pride for my husband and he needs to be able to discuss it with his family, don'tcha know!
Anyway....we are having the most amazing Indian Summer this week, just days after that bit of snow we had last week. It was so nice I had to take my (handknit) socks off and spread my tootsies out in my Birkies. I took the kids to the park for photos with the fall leaves. The park employees were rather too diligent in picking up the leaves and actually asked us to leave after the photos so they could clean up! Luckily, we got what we came for.
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